Keep in mind that this tutorial was written specifically for flashing the AMJ40, but it should also apply to any keyboard that supports QMK. For other keyboards, you would change directories to their specific keyboard folder before running the “make” command.
- Once you have opened a Bash window and installed all of the dependencies from the previous step, if you have not already, navigate to the QMK folder you unzipped earlier with this command:
cd /mnt/c/Users/Paul/Desktop/qmk_firmware_amj40-master
where ‘c’ is the drive letter where Windows as well as the Users folder are installed, “Paul” is replaced with your Windows username, and Desktop is where the QMK firmware folder was unzipped.
- Once inside the QMK folder, change your directory to the AMJ40 folder with this command:
cd keyboards/amj40
in the keymaps/default folder you can find the keymaps.c folder which you can edit to your liking. If you want more information on how to properly make a keymap for QMK, you can consult the QMK wiki: Here
- Once your keymap is set up, make sure you are in the root of the amj40 folder (meaning not in the keymap or default or any other folder) and then type in the command
make clean
press enter. This will run a bunch of stuff and clean up the build environment and delete any temporary files from previous builds. Run this step each time you are building the firmware. If you do not, you may find that changes you just made to a keymap will not be reflected in the new hex file.
- Afterwards, run command
make default
a hex file will be generated in the root of the QMK firmware folder. If you are following this tutorial to flash the AMJ40, it will probably be
The hex file will be named something like “amj40_default.hex”
- Now we are ready to move on to the next step, flashing the keyboard itself.
Continue on to: Flashing the firmware onto the AMJ40
Back to: Setting up the software
If you are not flashing an AMJ40 follow these directions instead: Here